Short Synopsis
The adventurers go in search of a purple worm egg. Along the way, they come across a young drow girl, named Hani. She was separated from a group that had been hunting purple worm eggs. Eventually, the party reunites Hani with her mother Zora and her family. The party makes an attempt to resurrect Illidan, but apparently the spirit is gone or unwilling to return. The adventurers cut a deal to get a purple worm egg for the drow in exchange for a diamond.
The party attempts to steal a cluster of eggs, but are interrupted by a Fomorian and a huge purple worm. During the bloody fight, another ancient purple worm arrives to defend the eggs. After a bloody, messy fight, the heroes emerge victorious.
Long Synopsis
[Please read with a British accent if possible]
Purple Worm Week! On the Discover-Scry Channel!
If you want to find Purple Worms, go to the Wormwrithings. An average mature Purple Worm is about eight-feet in length, weighs 40,000 pounds and is covered with purplish chiton armor. These notorious predators have been known to swallow humanoids whole.
We will follow a brave party of field researchers on their expedition to recover purple worm eggs for the sake of science.
Our researchers come across a band of drow researchers led by Zora the Explorer. The party asks if the drow researchers would be able to help resurrect Illidan, a researcher that had not survived their encounter with a Draconicus Aureus Angrius. Unfortunately, a drow cleric explains that Illidan’s spirit is gone or unwilling to return. Disappointed, but not dispirited, Warlan make an arrangement to obtain a purple worm egg for the drow researchers in exchange for a diamond.
After searching through the darkened caverns of the Wormwrithings, our adventurers stumble upon a purple egg nest. Doctor Iluna and Warlan come up with a plan whereby the sorceress will fly up to the hanging egg clusters and drop them down. When she does so, Warlan uses *featherfall* to ensure their safe landing. All is not safe for our researchers. Jax, the expedition’s veteran explorer, notices the appearance of a Giganticus Bruticus, known more commonly as a Fomorian. Warlan casts *haste* upon himself and is ready to make a quick getaway. Khazad summons a griffin to bear away the purple egg clusters. Unfortunately, the fomorian spots the griffin and attacks it.
Then, erupting majestically out of the earth, is a very angry adult Purple Worm. Behold, as it swallows Boarstack, the local duergar guide, in one bite and destroys the griffin. The Purple Worm’s digestive tract is highly adapted to its burrowing and feeding activities. A series of powerful stomach muscles, combined with digestive fluids containing enzymes and acids, help the Purple Worm consume its prey. We must ask Boarstack what it is like in there. Wait, it looks like the adult Purple Worm has swallowed Doctor Iluna as well. After a quick investigation, she uses *dimension door* to teleport herself and Boarstack out. One of the drow explorers, Baroj, jumps in to aid the party with his expert wilderness survival skills. Warlan throws multiple fireballs to study the fomorian’s and purple worm’s resistance to incendiary attacks. The party takes down the fomorian and the adult purple worm.
We can’t believe our eyes when an even larger Purple Worm bursts out from the ground. It is an ancient Purple Worm! Without wasting time, this marvelous specimen swallows up Khazad, Jax and Boarstack! Incredible! This is such an exciting development that our scientists must be thankful for such a rare treat! For some reason, little Warlan refuses to be eaten while Iluna and Baroj make their escape. In the end, Boarstack slices open the ancient Purple Worm from the inside and the eaten researchers escape. There is no such thing as a dangerous Purple Worm. Only dangerous situations that we create with our interactions with one of these beasts. Please respect these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.