Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Jax, Kepesk, Khazad, Warlan, Iluna
XP: 4744
Behold Menzoberranzan

Short Summary

The adventurers make quick work of the beholder Karazikar (while Warlan and Kepesk doze away) and Iluna takes Karazikar’s central eye. After Iluna discovers the beholder’s treasure, the party divides the treasure amongst themselves.

Next, the party travels to the tower of Vizerin the drow archmage. After depositing the spell components, they only have to obtain Gromph Baenre’s grimoire and a demon prince’s blood. Vizerin indicates he may be able to obtain the blood. On the other hand, he insists that the party obtain the grimoire. In addition, he gives Warlan a trinket that will be used as the focus of the summoning. It is to be placed in Menzoberranzan for the summoning of the demons.

The band of merry adventurers head to Menzoberranzan to obtain Gromph’s grimoire. When they reach his study, the party discovers a hidden portal that is trapped. After dispelling the magical trap, they enter a room filled with magical darkness. It leads them to a magical maze. Upon leaving the maze, they find themselves back in the study. They ponder their next move.

Long Summary

The adventurers launch a blistering attack against Karazikar the beholder – with the exception of Warlan and Kepesk who had fallen under the beholder’s sleep spell. In the battle, Khazad is knocked off the bridge and falls 500 feet to the cavern floor. The dwarf somehow survives the fall, but makes a large impression on the ground below. Iluna launches one sizzling lightning bolt after another until it is slain. The beholder’s charred corpse falls down to the cavern floor and is subject to Khazad’s tender ministrations. Iluna takes the central eye and then soars upward to find the beholder’s treasure trove. The party splits the valuables and then splits for the tower of Vizerin the drow archmage.

Upon arriving at the tower, the party deposits timmask mushrooms, a goristro heart, the beholder eye, the intact egg of a purple worm and the petrified feathers of six angels. Vizerin offers to procure the blood of a demon prince, but insists that the party go to Menzoberranzan to retrieve Gromph Baenre’s grimoire from the tower of Sorcere. In addition, Vizerin gives Warlan a small trinket that is the focus of the demon summoning. The archmage insists that this be placed in the tower of Sorcere, preferably in Gromph’s study. Finally, Vizerin tells the party to contact the Council of Spiders, a group of powerful drow mages that seem to be working with Vizerin.

A few days later, the party enters the city of Menzoberranzan. Baroj makes contact with his own special group and they appear to be accept Vizerin’s plan. Despite this, Baroj wants to alert the High Houses of the demon summoning. The party is still unsure about how to proceed with the trinket, but agree that they should attempt to procure the grimoire. Separately, Warlan (in disguise) and Iluna (invisible) go to the drow marketplace to procure some healing potions. Upon their return, the party heads to the Tower of Sorcere and are given access to Gromph’s study. Jax’s keen eye spies a hidden door and Kepesk detects that there is some sort of magical trap upon the door. After two tries, Warlan manages to dispel the trap. The door reveals a portal filled with blackness. Khazad, Iluna and Baroj each walk in one-by-one and vanish. After several attempts to retrieve their friends, Jax gathers Kepesk and Warlan to step into the darkness. They enter a magical maze, but Kepesk and Warlan manage to lead them out. The exit returns them to Gromph’s study and the party must decide how to proceed.