Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith, olaf
XP: in progress

“After some talk we decided to head east out of Luskan and investigate me clan’s mine that the Drow priestess said was up and runnin’, swarmin’ with Duergar and other beasties. Also told me me clan’s tombs there had been defiled, darin’ me to mad rush her, which I almost did, we’re not for Torinn holdin’ me back, knowin’ I’d be killin’ us all.

“The road be a long one, and several of me mates considered whether we should be stoppin’ in Mirabar first. I didn’t want to, thinkin’ there’s too many questions I’d be facin’ there.

“Before makin’ that decision, we came across a small group of travelers whose wagons had been raided by cyclops. The weather was also actin’ up, and some of us thought the two might be connected, so we went north followin’ the monsters’ tracks and closer to the storms.

“Of course the storms ended up bein’ magical. They be comin’ from a tower which none of us dared approach – might’ve ended up bein’ lectrocuted. But we did find a nearby cave entrance near the tower, and went in expectin’ a fight.

“Sure enough, the cyclops be there, two of ’em sleepin’ and a female who ended up willin’ to talk to us a bit, tellin’ us about a mad wizard (ain’t they all mad? Err, no offense intended, Raith) who be responsible for the lightnin’ storms affectin’ the area, and then led us to a door that would take us into the tower. Seems they were servin’ the wizard a bit unwillingly, and thought we could be the wizard’s problem instead of theirs.

“I hope to be takin’ care of this quick, as the Lodestone mine awaits. Dumathoin watch over us, and give me the wisdom to see this through.”