Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 6250

“After makin’ it through the blasted puzzle rooms we be comin’ up some stairs into what appearin’ to be the livin’ quarters of the mage. Wall hangings be in every room showin’ some aspect of elemental learnin’- I studied one that be filled with dwarven runes and got an idea about how we might be stoppin’ the wizard’s schemin’, but first we had to locate ‘im.

“The half orc explored another room and told of another wall hanging and showed us some loot he found – a ring and a bracelet – pretty meager stuff for such an accomplished mage, I be thinkin’, but maybe he don’t go for that kinda truck. The ring ended up opening a safe in another room, though, where we found a number of potions and other valuables, and of course the orc be claimin’ all he could of that.

“A narrow set of stairs led up to the top of the tower, where we found the mage already in the middle of his ritual. His magic stung us all, and we had a blasted time tryin’ t’end him and his threat. Strong winds blew Hyacinth, Henrik and the orc off the tower during the battle – the elf gettin’ back up by means of a magic feather Hyacinth had.

“I and Elric managed to disrupt the magic doin’s a bit from what we gleaned from the wall hangings. Doin’ so weakened the mage and the rest made short work of him, after.

“Continuing on the road and nearin’ a village, we be seein’ a young girl confrontin’ a group of blamed goblins. Belomash and the others began loppin’ off the heads of the buggers until the girl started screachin’ that the goblins be meanin’ no harm to her. That they actually SAVED her.

“I’ll be a pointy-eared elf if that ain’t the most confoundin’ bit of anything I ever be hearin’. What is this world comin’ to?

“I be takin’ a walk by meself and talk with Dumathoin ’bout this one.”