Party: Henrik, Torinn, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 4084
From the Book of Belomash:

Pushy 9 year old browbeat Torrin into not taking a long rest. So we went downstairs. Apparently this is the Underdark. Found a couple of humans in a cell. Saw some Duergar. Henrick sent in a sacrificial lamb, um, goat. I took care of the Duergar. The girl thought she recognized the humans from the village.

Found some Duergar using humans as slaves. Don’t like that much. We dispatched them and sent the humans away. Party split 50 gp and another key.

Went down another hallway. Found a roomful of Duergar. Raith and Zoltan burned them up. Found out villagers were selling their own out, including the goblins. Henrik hit me again. He has done this repeatedly. As previously warned, I hit him back. Party split 250 gp

Went down passage. Found a sleeping quarters with 20 Duergar. Another fireball from Raith and Zoltan. More dead Duergar. Searched the quarters. Found a nice set of dwarf plate armor with Duergar runes; will give to the dwarf, but he likely won’t wear it due to the runes. Party split 890 gp

Found the throne room. Duergar king (Yumi) entertained his horde by dropping slaves to a monstrous pit. Goblin chieftain (Ozi?) was chained to the king. Lots of henchmen. Good use of fireballs from Raith and Zoltan. Magic users have their uses, I concede.

I got knocked into a pit. Tentacles from hell attacked me. Then, Henrick committed a cowardly attack, knowing he could kill me. He failed. I no longer trust the half-breed.

City council is supposed to be rewarding us for the slaves that we freed; also freed the goblin; found a veritable treasure room; 8000 gold total inside which we split. Found a nice mace (+1 adamantium) which will also give to Krum; however, Drueger runes may render it a burden. An enchanted hammer (Gavel of Tenebrosity) was claimed by Raith; 6 nice arrows were take. by Henrick.

I do not trust Henrick not to try to assassinate me in my sleep before my recovery. I have left the party behind and will accompany the villagers back to their town.