Short Synopsis
The party makes their way to a strange looking tower that holds a dark crackling orb of energy. Iluna flies up to an open room in the upper part of the tower while the rest of the part enters from the bottom. Iluna investigates the top tower and finds intoxicated drow and a bag of intoxicants. She takes the bag and bluffs her way past the drow. Meanwhile, the rest of the party meet a Glabrazu and a pair of Barlgura demons. The Glabrazu offers to smoke some drugs. Khazad makes quick friends with the Glabrazu by sharing some of his consumables with the demon. The demon mentions that he has a bag of intoxicants in the upper floor. This presents an excuse for the adventurers who offer to go upstairs to find the drugs.
Eventually, the party reunites in a strange ethereal part of the tower. They enter an archway that is guarded by a cambion and two drow. Khazad is charmed by the cambion while Jax is put asleep. Iluna makes a retreat while Warlan tries to fend off the cambion and the drow. The cambion goes to the archway to seal out Iluna and Baroj. Jax is eventually awakened by a not-so-gentle hit from Warlan, but the half-elf rogue manages to push cambion away from the archway. The cambion and the drow are quickly dispatched.
The party returns back to the first floor to get a rest with the Glabrazu demon and its minions (with Warlan creating a magic hut for protection).
Long Synopsis
The adventurers arrive at a bizarre dark tower that holds a large throbbing ball filled with dark energy. Using her robe of eyes, she sees that part of the tower is in the material plane and the other part is in the ethereal plane.
Iluna wants to get high, so she turns invisible and flies up to an opening at the upper part of the tower. The sorceress passes by a bathroom (and thankfully no one is playing a “game of battleshi*s”). She passes a pair of drunk drow guards. As she wanders through the tower, she has a mishap with some dirty needles. Iluna rummages through a chest to find a bag filled with medical intoxicants.
Meanwhile, the rest of the party enters to tower through a giant mouth-like gate. They enter a smoke-filled hooka bar on the ground floor. A Glabrazu demon and Barlguras lounge idly while a female drow slave stands in chains. The Glabrazu demon invites the group to relax and to smoke some stuff. Khazad flops down on the large cushions and opens up his own bag of consumables and implements. After taking a drag from one of the pipes, Khazad offers to share some of his stash as a token of friendship. Baroj attempts to rescue the female drow slave by buying her from the demons. She reveals that her name is Maforie (Maria?) Chûmavh. Once the Glabrazu reveals that it has some intoxicants on the upper floor, Khazad offers to have the group go up and retrieve it. Jax goes up to the ceiling and throws a rope for the rest of the party to climb up to enter the ethereal passageway above.
While Iluna takes a downer approach through the ethereal passage, the rest of the group takes an upper approach. They meet and try to decide how to proceed. Iluna walks through an archway to find a cambion and a pair of drow.
The encounter with the cambion and the drow could be described as a freakshow. Baroj stays back in the ethereal passageway while the rest of the party follows Iluna. While Iluna, Jax and Warlan try to chill, the amped up Khazad uses a psychic spike on the cambion. The cambion uses its own attack to charm Khazad and to command him to grovel. A narcotic-coated bolt hits Jax and puts him to sleep. Iluna retreats back to the passageway. The cambion goes to the archway to seal Iluna and Baroj out. With his other companions incapacitated or unavailable, Warlan stands his ground against the cambion and the two drow. The gnome uses some Thunder and Snow to attack the drow. In an attempt to wake up Jax, Warlan throws a dagger at him. Unfortunately, it is an overdose of damage, but it wakes up Jax. Alertly, Jax pushes away the cambion from the archway to allow Iluna and Baroj to rejoin them. The party vanquishes their enemies and return back down to the hookah bar. Iluna takes a puff from the hookah and Khazad gets a hankering for the munchies. Warlan erects a tiny magical hut and the party settles down for a long rest.