Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 4208


“Arrivin’ at Mirabar twisted my insides something fierce. Who knew what I’d be facin’ if the Council of Sparklin’ Stones learned that I be the sole survivor of the Lodestone mine plague?

“But before the gate we found a group of humans millin’ about, and on closer inspection saw that they be stricken with a plague much like the one that took me clan!

“This was almost too much for me, but the group’s leader, a female named Larissa, suggested it be the result of a blood curse, as the humans were descendants of an adventuring group known as the Bright Banner Brandished, who disappeared some time ago in the mountains north of Mirabar.

“Larissa offered 10000 gold to any who solved the mystery. Another crew came scurryin’ out of the city about then, callin’ themselves the SilverHooks with a leader, Gareheart Pine, who be an orc’s ass pimple, sayin’ they’d be takin’ her up on the offer.

“Some of me mates searched Mirabar for better equipment and weapons, while I talked to a Dumathoin priest about me situation. They also located a journal that had been belongin’ to the Bright Banner Brandished crew, lettin’ us know where they had last headed. Be givin’ us a bit of a leg up on the SilverHooks.

“Climbin’ up the mountain proved to be challengin’ to some, but we made it up the side unscathed. We came across a woman from the ‘hooks, who suggested we make an alliance but I damn sure didn’t be trustin’ her, and told her to pound sand, or snow, as it were.

“After some searchin’ we found an entrance to a cave system – not me Lodestone mine but another dwarvish encampment long abandoned by the looks and the gnolls there.

“After making quick work of those curs, we entered a huge cavern iced over and misty.

“We knew what was comin’.

“The white dragon lit on a tower there in the cavern and attempted to freeze our bones with its breath. Me warmin’ ring be savin’ me and I spent much of me time healin’ the others who took the brunt of the blasts.

“The durned lizard – a right big one – wouldn’t engage with our fighters, so it was up to the elf and his bow and us spellcasters to try and take it down. And the orc actually used one of his black magic tricks against it! Beats all!

“Zoltan also be figurin’ out that bodies frozen in the ice were the Bright Banner Brandished group, and some nefarious magic placed upon their corpses was powerin’ the dragon. He ended that spell and the tide started turnin’.

“The dragon, after takin’ a whoppin’ amount of damage, fled into the frozen river though we come to find out Raith followed it down and gave it the killin’ blow. Good on ye, wizard! Kept Henrick from more incessant braggin’!

“There below the river we discovered the wyrm’s hoard, and each of us be findin’ some useful items – I’ll be listin’ ’em here:

Henrick: javelin of lightning; oath bow
Meself: tentacle rod
Torinn: cloak of the bat
Belomash: sword of the Paruns
Zoltan: ioun stone of reserve
Raith: ring of telekinesis

“We decided we be needin’ to return to Mirabar and let ’em know we think we be solvin’ the mystery of the Banner Brandished.

“Upon returnin’ we found the humans cured and we be treated as heroes. The others felt they needed to do some more searchin’ of Mirabar for equipment and rest up for our eventual trek to Lodestone.

“Answers still be eludin’ me. The plague mystery here adds more questions as to what happened to me clan and how it came about. Rumors of a gnomish necromancer outside of Luskan havin’ some involvement have now come to light, and I head to the Mirabar talmud to talk to the priests of Dumathoin and see what wisdom they can share.

“I will come clean with them as to who I am. I owe me ma and pa that much, I be thinkin’.”

Raith and the Great White Wyrm

The dragon’s life ended on the bladesinger’s whim…
Her sister’s bite sealing her fate.
The wyrm death serves Justice in ways unknown…
Its claw now gave Cyrofang a mate. ”