Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 437

“As we be approachin’ the Lodestone mine, I admit me heart be poundin’ in me chest and me breathin’ got quick, thinkin’ of what I might be findin’ when we get there. Then we be seein’ the blamed orcs standin’ guard at the entrance and all that be gone as Dumathoin guided me on.

“We made quick work of the piggies, though they tried to make it tough by firin’ enough arrows to make some of resemble porcupines.

“When we got past the guard rooms, we came across some sort of automaton- big thing with twirly blades that hacked us up but good. It handled everything we be throwin’ at it pretty well, and some hobgoblins be joinin’ in to boot. We wore it down eventually but the dang thing exploded with only a few of us escapin’ the pain.

“I be thinkin’ to head to the tomb where I buried me clan so long ago, but the beasties comin’ from the throne room pulled me up those stairs instead.

“There we faced a horde of villains, mistakin’ a group of svirfneblin for captives when they were actually in league with the duergar. Another damned Drow stood next to the Duergar bastard who seemed to be runnin’ things, and when I made my name known I be noticin’ the Drow crackin’ some sort of joke.

“It was a hell of a battle. The number of Duergar and svirfneblin near had us beat with their magic but the grit of the Lions pulled us through. The Drow and some of the dark gnomes surrendered when we got too much for ’em, and the Duergar leader tucked tail and attempted to flee, but I chased him down and tolled him to hell with a Dumathoin curse.

“Now I be going back to that Drow and see if he be feelin’ like crackin’ wise any more.

“I be thinkin’ he’ll loose his tongue about Drow involvement at Lodestone…or lose it.”