Players: Hyacinth, Raith, Zoltan
After returning from slaying Shilleren, the dread white wyrm of the north, and lifting the vile blood curse that had plagued Mirabar for nearly a century, Zoltan and Raithean rented a bungalow in the merchant’s district, pushed a couple desks together and got to work transcribing spellbooks they had obtained on past adventures.
Nearly a week of dedicated research had passed before Hyacinth the satyr showed up one morning with spiced lattes, carrot muffins, and salted cavefish (a svirfneblin delicacy) to pry them away for a shopping expedition.
The dwarves of Mirabar were renowned throughout the north for their extraordinary creations, of which the wizards took full advantage, now hailed as heroes of the city. Raith brought them the head of the undead white drake to enhance his magical blade Cryovain. Meanwhile Zoltan showed an artificer detailed schematics he had drawn up for a mithral helm.
Here they were approached by several high ranking merchants with a proposal. Caravans were being attacked and settlements raided along the road to Silverymoon. The band of marauders needed to be stopped. Zoltan was adamant that he must continue his research, until he learned that it was a clan of forest gnomes turned to devil worship who were responsible for the chaos. How peculiar, he thought. They would take the job.
A day’s travel found the trio at the Twelve Goats Tavern, settling in for an evening meal and flagons of mead, when a distressed damsel burst through the door, screaming for help. She had apparently escaped from the devil cult only to be pursued to the tavern’s doorsteps.
The mages and bard stepped outside to find a gang of devils led by forest gnomes demanding her return. The trio dispatched the cultists with ease and took their leader, Xorgrim, prisoner. They learned the cultists were performing sacrifices at a ruined tower nestled within the Lurkwood forest an hour to the north.
Leaving Xorgrim and the maiden with the tavern folk, the trio of adventurers followed the trail deep into the forest. They came upon the ruined tower which seemed unguarded, and decided to approach with stealth. Zoltan summoned his fiendish owl Onyx for reconnaissance, and upon discovering a sacrifice was already in progress on top of the tower, the group quickly sprung into action.
They dimension doored to the tower’s battlements and made quick work of the gnomes and devils engaged in the hellish ritual. From there they worked there way down the stairs into the keep where they utilized fire and lightning and a conjured earth elemental to dispatch more devils.
Eventually they came to the head cultist’s study and bed chamber, where they engaged in a protracted battle in which Hyacinth polymorphed into a giant scorpion. The leader tried to flee, but Zoltan was ready and blocked his path with a misty step before finishing him off with a conjured shadowspawn.
The group collected many tomes on devil worship, along with some fine silk robes and a few useful magic items including a sacrificial dagger and a wand. Before they departed they discovered a radiant pool in the basement. Staring into its depths, Zoltan began babbling incoherently while Raith was giggling and weeping uncontrollably, before Hyacinth, thinking quickly, blinded them both and pulled them away. They decided to leave the pool of madness for another day.
The group returned to Mirabar, successful in their mission, with the gnome cultist Xorgrim in chains. Upon their return, Raith was reunited with his blade reforged, the Dread Frostbrand of Shilleren. Hyacinth was presented with a magnificent instrument as well. The artificer had felt particularly inspired and crafted a ukulele laced with powerful magic from the dragon’s jaw and vocal chords. Zoltan retrieved his fancy new helm. The group collected their reward from the merchants and lived happily ever after, until their next adventure…