The party gathered at the Laughing Goblin Tavern in Phlan after escorting a caravan through the Anauroch Desert. Sensing an opportunity to earn some coin in their downtime, the group followed up on rumors that the lighthouse was out in Sokol Keep. Surely relighting the lighthouse would be worth something to someone right ?
After lackluster interest from both the city guard and the administrator for House Sokol, the group set out to the island to find it abandoned. A search of the facilities revealed that the lighthouse was being blocked magically and that Ingar Sokol had discovered a long abandoned facility beneath the island.
The adventurers dropped into the tunnels below, defeating constructs and undead while navigating the hazards of the lost complex. Coming upon a shrine, Eldon purified its waters and the group managed to communicate with … something. Nearby, the party discovered a group of missing guard with bags filled with loot taken from the structure. . Based on feedback from the shrine, and a direct interrogation of the missing guard, the group concluded the the captain of the guard Grim murdered Ingar Sokol in order to take the temple’s treasures. After an intense debate, a consensus was reached to bring Captain Grim back to Phlan to face justice.
Reward: 500gp
XP: 600