Party: Ilidan, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar
XP: 6463
The Boys are Back in Town

Short Synopsis

The adventurers head to Waterdeep. Warlan makes arrangements with the Adarbrents to commercialize the “anti-demon” ritual exorcism. While is cousin is busy working with the Aderbrants, Kelderrin returns to the party. Iluna is resurrected by Rasutar, but she quietly leaves the party without a word. Khazad arranges a fast ship for the party to Luskan, and he decides to remain in Waterdeep with Warlan.

Baroj, Boarstack, Jax, Kelderrin and Rasutar head to Luskan. Ilidan and Rolann arrive in style upon a dragon. Upon Ilidan’s return, Baroj has satisfied his promise and leaves.

The party returns to the demon-tree that they had previously failed to destroy. They launch a sneak attack, but are met by a Balor demon, Marilith and Lamia. A quick and furious battle ensues, but the party manages to defeat the demons and destroy the tree.

Long Synopsis
Exhausted from their battle with Mother, the band of adventurers decide to head back to Waterdeep. They magically teleport into the city to obtain resources necessary for Iluna’s resurrection. The gnome cleric Rasutar performs an elaborate ritual and resurrects Iluna. Rasutar advises Iluna to rest and recuperate before traveling. While Iluna rests, the rest of the party makes preparations. Warlan goes to meet Tess Adarbrent to commercialize the demonic exorcism ritual cure that he had recently learned. He meets up with his cousin, Kelderrin, who has been spending time with the Adarbrents. The cousins decide that it is best that Warlan stay to help oversee the mass production of the ritual cure while Kelderrin rejoins the party. Khazad arranges for a fast ship to Luskan and joins Warlan. Upon returning to the inn, the party finds that Iluna has disappeared.

Baroj, Boarstack, Jax, Kelderrin and Rasutar travel by sea and arrive in the seedy ports of Luskan. In the skies, an obsidian dark dragon swoops down with two riders upon its back. When it lands, the party is shocked to see Ilidan and Rolann dismount.

****** Guess who just go back today?
****** Them wild-eyed boys that’d been away
****** Haven’t changed, hadn’t much to say
****** But man, I still think them cats are crazy

After a joyous reunion, Baroj has fulfilled his promise and takes his leave. The party decides to eliminate the remaining demon-tree that serves as an anchor for otherworldly demons. They approach the temple-compound from the marketplace.

****** The boys are back in town
****** I said, the boys are back in town.

Eventually, they make their way to a temple-compound where they had last failed to destroy the demon-tree. Ilidan, Jax and Kelderrin mount the wall while Boarstack and Rolann guard them. Rasutar casts *invisibility* and pours oil upon the demon-tree.

****** Friday night they’ll be dressed to kill
****** Down at Grazz’t’s bar and grill
****** The drink will flow, and blood will spill
****** And if the boys wanna fight, you better let’em

The party launches its attack. Jax launches a fiery arrow at the demon-tree and it catches fire. Kelderrin follows up with a fireball. A Balor demon manifests and attacks Ilidan while a Lamia charges at Boarstack. Ilidan retaliates against the Balor demon and jumps down on top of the Lamia. A marilith manifests and teleports itself next to Kelderrin. It slashes at Kelderrin with its six swords and tail. Kelderrin is wrapped in its wicked tail. Boarstack is struck by a drunken curse from the Lamia while Rolann attacks the Lamia. Ilidan finishes off the Lamia. Rasutar *banishes* the Balor demon. Kelderrin reaches down and *polymorphs* the Marilith into a turtle.

The party takes a moment to collect itself before surrounding the turtle-Marilith and attacking it. After suffering a fearsome assault, the Marilith quickly teleports itself away from the party and escapes. The party makes sure that the demon-tree is destroyed.

****** The boys are back in town,
****** I said, the boys are back in town.

With the return of the heroes, the dark tide has been turned and the battle for Luskan begins in earnest.