Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 6808

“We descended down the stairs toward where I knew the crypts be and came across in the darkness a large undead creature, a Boneclaw. The orc took some early hits, but our radiant attacks did some damage. Apparently sensin’ its doom, the undead thing slipped away with Belomash in its grasp and the room became a cage when iron bars dropped down from the doorways trappin’ four of the group (Henrik; Torin; Hyacinth; Zoltan). Hyacinth took a great amount of necrotic damage from the trap, and then the blamed ceiling started lowerin’!

“Belomash, meanwhile, finished off the undead thing and took its claws/teeth, maybe thinkin’ they be worth something somewhere.

“Zoltan, thinkin’ fast, cast a knock spell on one of the gates, openin’ the gate and stoppin’ the ceiling for a bit. Belomash, upon learnin’ that the Boneclaw’s remains were remnants of necromanctic magic, cast the talons and teeth aside. Maybe he ain’t so dumb, after all. We healed ourselves and made our way to the next chamber, Zoltan bringin’ forth the Mountain to help guard us…

“Torin and I be sensin’ all kinds of undead in the area. Then Henrik sends his conjured rat to investigate the tomb which sees a humanoid figure in the dark.

“It be me ma…

“Or, at least it be me ma twisted and speakin’ to me, asking’ me to join it in its undeath. I wasn’t fooled, though it hurt me heart to see her desecrated so. Her faith and might in Dumathoin while she be livin’ made her transformation even more vile – whoever be responsible was not only desecratin’ me ma’s remains but the Silent Keeper hisself…

“Torin attacked the thing which was not me ma, and then me dad appeared, also undead, who joins the fight as do many dwarven zombies. I could only be watchin’ as Belomash engaged me dad.

“The Mountain ended up makin’ quick work of the zombies, while Zoltan, Torin and me dealt with me mom, whose spells could of meant our doom at any point. I ended the insult of her undeath finally with me own blessings from Dumathoin. Me dad and the magic being we had faced from above teleported away before Belomash could finish either (Hyacinth polymorphed into a giant scorpion and appeared to startle me dad a bit, and who could blame him? Unnervin’, shape-changin’, I tell ya.)

Afterward, I carried the remains of me mom back to her crypt, where her eyes reopened and a voice, not hers, attempted to make deals with me and the other members of the group. Zoltan thankfully dispelled the necromantic magic and the voice moved to other crypts. I will be makin’ sure this ground is hallowed before leavin’ this mine.

“And I will be findin’ this necromancer and crush his skull with me hammer, Dumathoin guide me path.

“Wantin’ to find a way to take a long rest, and thinkin’ to get away from the dead which were rustlin’ about in the tombs, we went back up to the throne room where we be seein’ 3 fire giants.

“Makk an E ha’ak.”

[dwarvish for “son of a bitch”]