Party: Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric, Revali
XP: 4320

Rich no longer desires to adventure, but offers to lead the party to find a dark power beneath the temple.  As the party reaches one of the lower floors, vampire-spawn attack them.  The party manages to defeat the vampire-spawn and Rich offers to lead them further down.

Full write-up

After resting for the night, Rich changes his mind about adventuring with party.  Instead, he mentions that there is a dark power in the depths below the temple.  The lich offers to lead the party.  The clerics Hadrioul and Honu are hesitant about the offer.  Eiric, Maulduk and Revali are intrigued by the possibilities.  During their discussion, the party tries to recollect Madam Eva’s prophecy.  They had retrieved the Holy Symbol of Raven-kind from a den of wolves and acquired the Tome of Strahd from beyond the amber doors.  The Sun Sword supposedly resides in a place of dizzying heights where the stone is alive, and they guess that it may be at Strahd’s castle.  They ponder about their ally, who was a young man that had been slain, but was to be possibly replaced by another.  Esmeralda clears her throat and points out that she might be the very ally they are seeking.  Honu says that if the others want to seek power, he will follow behind and make sure they don’t become undead.  Hadrioul agrees to the same.

The party follows Rich down a dark, winding stairway.  As they arrive upon the first floor beneath the temple, they find familiar looking boxes scattered throughout.

Before they can act, vampire-spawn burst from the wooden containers.  Esmeralda leans over the stairway to launch a firebolt, but tumbles to the ground.  Maulduk rushes to help her up, then charges into the midst of the vampire-spawn.  The barbarian divine radiance sears the vampire-spawn around him.  Eiric also comes to Esmeralda’s aid with his eldritch cannon and scorching rays ablaze.  Honu says a spiritual guardian spell and summons barrier of spiritual guardians that creates a fearsome dome of spiritual power.  Hadrioiul does the same.  Revali lightly steps through the battlefield, casting fire bolts and bardic inspiration. 

Maulduk decapitates one of the vampire-spawn, but one of the vampire-spawn lands a draining bite.

Hadrioul is also attacked by the vampire-spawn and is also suffers a debilitating bite.

Eiric, Esmeralda and Revali continue to launch their volleys of magical bolts against the vampire spawn.

Honu says that Rich had better not betray them, but Rich pleads his innocence and attributes the vampire-spawn to Strahd.  Honu says a divine radiance cantrip to inflict wounds upon the undead.  Hadrioul does the same.

After many blows, spells and divine incantations, the vampire-spawn are defeated.  Hadrioul has managed to survive by playing the game “Honu says”, and then Hadrioul casts greater restoration upon himself.

What awaits further down beneath the haunted amber temple?