Party: Ozi, Dunzen, Koruk, Venum, Ermergerd, Shadowspawn, Killian
XP: 5335
The Derelicts, a notorious band of villains in league with dark powers, descended upon the Glittervein mine with the goal of defending the necromancers they had escorted there to perform a powerful ritual, along with the goblin families that called the place home. Their enemies, the Lord’s Alliance, an organization determined to banish evil from the world, were camped outside, but the Derelicts knew that true power lies in darkness.

The battle began when the Derelicts opened the front gate and assaulted the Lord’s Alliance encampment with a barrage of spells. Their goal was to kill the Alliance’s wizard, but he proved elusive, and they were unable to take him down. In response, the Lord’s Alliance stormed the front doors, pushing down a long hallway under a withering volley of fire from the Derelicts.

As the Lord’s Alliance made their way down the hallway, a few brave dwarves made it to the end, only to be killed by Koruk the ogre hiding around the corner. They never stood a chance. Frustrated by the continued resistance, the Lord’s Alliance tried a different tactic. They tunneled into the mine using magic, turning the ceiling into mud, and dropped in on top of the drow Shadowspawn and Dunzen, and behind the rest of the Derelicts.

The leader of the Lord’s Alliance, a powerful human paladin known as ‘the Administrator,’ knocked Shadowspawn and Dunzen unconscious in a fierce fight. The paladin then rushed down the hallway, where Ozi led the goblins from the mine in a charge against him. But the paladin was too powerful, and he quickly killed all the goblins, forcing Ozi to retreat.

Koruk charged in and traded blows with the paladin, and almost killed him with a flurry of vicious strikes from his greatsword. “So lucky,” as Ozi would say. Staggering back, the paladin cast misty step and retreated out the front door before Koruk could finish him off. Koruk charged after him, but the wizard was waiting outside and knocked the ogre unconscious with a psychic spell. With that, the Lord’s Alliance managed to escape.

Finally, the ritual was complete, and the necromancers had achieved what they set out to do. They had bound a dark and terrible undead monstrosity to the inner mine complex. The battle was over, and the Lord’s Alliance had fled. The Derelicts were victorious, and they headed back to Luskan to collect their reward.

But Ozi remained behind. He had formed a bond with the female goblins who lived there, and seeing as all their warriors including their chieftain were now dead, he decided to stay and comfort them, keep them safe from harm, and sire many progeny with them. The goblin had finally found a place to call home, although he often woke at night worried about the monstrous undead entity he could hear shuffling around on the other side of the door.