Short Synopsis
Tamorin the gnome wizard offers compensation to Ilidan, Kelderrin, Rasutar and Rolann for the retrieve some of his notes from Lewis the Defiler. Lewis the Defiler is a mage that is in the company of the demon-possessed Martin. Tamorin gives the group their suspected location.
The party finds Martin and Lewis in a town square. While Kelderrin tries to sneak over, he is discovered. A brutal battle takes place in which Kelderrin and Ilidan are both knocked out. Rolann’s hypnotic pattern and abjure enemies holds Martin and Lewis long enough for the party to prevail. Rasutar’s banishment disposes of three other demons. The adventurers capture Martin and Lewis and bring the pair back to Tamorin.
Long Synopsis
Ilidan, Kelderrin, Rasutar and Rolann take a riverboat to the Hosttower to meet Tamorin the Gnome Wizard. Tamorin’s notes have been stolen by a fellow wizard known as Lewis the Defiler. Lewis has been seen in the company of a wealthy demon-possessed man named Martin. Tamorin offers compensation to the party to recover the notes and to bring back Lewis. He also mentions that if Martin is captured alive and cured, it may also be worth some extra gold for the party.
The adventurers head to the southern part of the city where Martin’s business is located. It does not take them long to find Louis and Martin huddled among other demon-infested humans. Kelderrin tries to sneak up on them, but is discovered. Illidan shoots a crossbow bolt and disappears into the shadow. Rasutar wisely turns invisible and moves away. Enraged, Martin charges and attacks Kelderrin. Lewis summons a pit fiend. Three other demon-infested humans also stand near Lewis.
Outnumbered and nearly overwhelmed, Rolann turns the tide with a well-placed *hypnotic pattern*. Lewis and the three demons are paralyzed by the undulating colorful patterns of light. Rasutar casts bane upon Martin. Martin turns his gleaming sword upon Rolann. Rolann grits his teeth, but manages to maintain concentration upon his spell. The pit fiend attacks Rasutar. Kelderrin sneaks around and casts *polymorph* and turns Martin into a turtle. This works only for a moment, for the pit fiend unleashes a blistering attack upon Kelderrin and knocks the gnome unconscious. Martin returns to his normal form.
Blue sparks flash from Rolann’s fingertips as he launches a lightning bolt at the fiends. Ilidan shoots another bolt and casts a strange vial of dark essence. Rasutar casts healing word upon Kelderrin who scampers away. Rolann uses *abjure enemy* to immobilize Martin. Ilidan and the pit fiend engage in a duel within a globe of darkness. The pit fiend knocks out Ilidan and the darkness dissipates. Rolann blasts the pit fiend with another lightning bolt. While Rasutar revives Ilidan, Rolann warns the party that his *hypnotic pattern* will not last much longer.
Kelderrin misty steps into the *hypnotic pattern*. With a grimace, he manages to resist the spell. The gnome casts *haste* upon himself and gags the wizard. Then he steals the spellbook and sneaks away. Rolann releases the hypnotic pattern and runs up behind the wizard. Ilidan demands that Lewis yield, and for emphasis, the drow stabs the wizard. Meanwhile, Rasutar casts *banishment* against the three remaining demons. Seeing himself gagged and without his spellbook, Lewis yields. The party binds, gags and blindfold both Martin and Lewis. While digging through Lewis’ belongings, Kelderrin found a ring, gems (worth 800 gold pieces that is evenly distributed among the party) and some reagents. Rolann finds a magical sword upon Martin.
They take Martin and Lewis back to Tamorin at the Hosttower.