Party: Fire in Shadow, Graoi, Oake, Prince Eldon, Puck, Shadowspawn, Talon
The heroes from Parnast had completed a job restoring Phlan’s lighthouse. As a reward for their success, they are tasked with a new mission by the town’s elders.
Two librarians and some ancient tomes had gone missing from the library. Members of the Black Fist mercenary company captured and killed one of the librarians before they were able to escape with the stolen books, but the other one was last seen heading north along the river towards the Dragonspine Mountains.
The party begins their investigation by examining the library, interviewing the head librarian, and investigating librarians’ quarters. They soon discover Cult of the Dragon robes hidden there, leading them to believe that the librarians may have been cultists in disguise. One of the recovered tomes contains a map depicting a stone circle near the base of the mountains.
The party follows the map north to discover the stone circle, where they find evidence of much recent activity. Suddenly, they are ambushed by a group of kobolds.
After a fierce battle, the party dispatches the kobolds with relative ease. They then discover a secret entrance in the stonework, leading them deep underground to a large room with carved pillars depicting the dragon god Tiamat.
In the darkness, there are undead ghouls roaming the chamber, but the party strikes them down, sending them back to the afterlife.
At the other end of the room, the party opens a large door, revealing a human cultist surrounded by more kobolds