Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 7017

“I be havin’ the durned half-elf lookin’ over me shoulder as I make record of me…ok, our adventures this time around. Seems he be feelin’ he ain’t be gettin’ enough credit for his darin-dos and is playin’ editor.

“This entry may be takin’ longer to get through.

“After seein’ the giants there in the great hall we be sneakin’ out the way we came and make some surer plans as to what to do about them tumble-towers.

“We get back down to the tombs where the voices of me clan still be yammerin’ and Raith prestos up his hut while the gnome cast a spell that he helpin’ hide us a bit.

“As we rest, Zoltan approaches me and admits the tale he told to the Drow about his family be nothin’ but more conjuration. He be holdin’ out his hand then and showin’ me remnants of Drow flesh and hair, bits that came off me hammer and onto Zoltan when I hit the gnome when he stepped in front o’ me.

“We can use this flesh and hair to locate him! I’m sure you have scrying spells and I have my own – he’ll lead us right to the priestess and we’ll get all kinds of intelligence without his knowing!”

“I didn’t know what to be sayin’ at that. The gnome I be thinkin’ so foolish…by Dumathoin’s silence I never be doubtin’ him again!

“Henrick want it known that he be playin’ a song on his banjo that evenin’ for the rest of us. Pardon, a “lovely” song. Less said about that the better, I be thinkin’.

“After our rest we came back after the giants. Peekin’ in the hall, we be seein’ only one nest-hair, and as I strode in Zoltan brought forth the Mountain and Henrick reached in to his magic animal bag and pulled out a giant goat, which he be namin’ Hyacinth.

“Dumathoin grant me your eternal patience. But even that may not be enough.

“Everyone be makin’ good work on the red-haired behemoth when two more of his ugly kin join in [Henrick be beggin’ me to write that they were hot-headed. I made him promise to not ask to help write these things again if I mention this]. Their arrival be too late for the leader, Raith layin’ him low.

“Belomash and Torinn turned to take on the other giants, but Torinn seemed to have trouble gettin’ his arrows to fly true.

“That be some trouble, as Henrick be drawin’ a lot of the attacks this time, and he fell at least twice. Me healin’ be gettin’ him back on his feet but briefly, as the two latecomers saw him as an easy target, him bein’ at the door and all.

“We ended them soon enough and attempted to patch ourselves up a bit before headin’ to the great forge of Lodestone Mine. There we be seein’ two more fire giants, uglier than Belomash’s backside, along with a damned tiefling and a duergar.

“The tiefling sorcerer be givin’ us fits, conjurin’ up fire elementals and teleportin’ hisself around the room.

“Me and Raith took on one of the giants that be more heavily armored than the others. Zoltan said something like “dread not” but I don’t know how we couldn’t help but be worried about it hittin’ us.

“Henrick died again – of embarrassment. The blamed elf broke not one but two bowstrings during the battle, one on his fancy-schmancy Oath bow. No tellin’ if that broken magic will come back to haunt him…

“We did end up clearin’ the forge, though the duergar ran off like a whipped dog when he saw the armored giant fall.

“I still be needin’ to consecrate the tombs of me clan, and once we have this mine secure we’ll be sendin’ to Mirabar to get reinforcements to make sure the city keeps me family’s mine secure from all intruders forever on.

“I’ll be askin’ the others what they be wantin’ to do next as me and the gnome make plans to check in on the Drow….”