“The Ironheld fortress bein’ cleared out, we be decidin’ to pay a visit to that druid’s grove we hadn’t cared to last time. There we talked to a lass named Orodriel, who be tellin’ us about a mighty orc who gave hisself the name “godspeaker”. She says the orc be disruptin’ the balance in the woods, gettin’ followers and raisin’ a ruckus.
After some more questionin’, we decided to see about this orc and convince him that he best be movin’ on. Orodriel provided a squirrel that she said could lead us to ‘em.
Belomash be gettin’ some attention from the druids, maybe because of the mask he took off the leader back at Ironheld. When he put the mask on (curiosity got the best of ‘em, I guess) the druids were spooked but then started inspectin’ him more closely.
Something odd about that mask, but I can’t be puttin’ my finger on it…
A ways from the grove, with the squirrel leadin’ the way, we be seein’ some goblins in a clearing. Henrick, as usual, thinks with his bow and takes out two while Torinn and Belomash take out the third.
Then the ambush happens.
Some ugly hill giants (there be no other kind) and a horde of orcs come lumberin’ into view, and then an even bigger, uglier hill giant comes into view with some ogres.
It be a party now, I tell ye.
We be takin’ care of them with no real fuss, and then the squirrel goes nuts (heh) and leads us to another clearing a bit away where we see this “godspeaker” rallying some more orcs.
Belomash and Henrick sneak forward to get a better view of this villain, and then the durned gnome tried to advance all quiet-like – on his HORSE. The horse TRIPS and Zoltan goes flyin’.
End of the surprise, and the fight is on.
These not be yer run-of-the-mill orcs, and when we take a couple down the godspeaker had enough power to raise ‘em back to life. Not undead, back to LIFE.
What we be dealin’ with here?
Then, when we seem to be gettin’ the upper hand, the cleric opens a portal and slips through with those followers who can follow him.
The question is: do we dare follow them?