Party: Jax, Kelderrin, Rasutar and Rolann
Short Synopsis
The party encounters a pair of insectoid monsters in the burrows. After a brief battle, they dispatch the monsters and encounter some githyanki. The party kills one of the githyanki and the other runs away.
They follow the trail of the githyanki into a small watery hole. Kelderrin casts *water breathing* and the party dives in. They encounter a sea elf who directs them towards some underwater ruins.
The party sneaks by sahaguin guards until they enter the most intact building. There they find the Grazz’t’s children. Kelderrin disguises himself as one of the children and blends in. Rasutar turns invisible and follows while Jax and Rolann wait outside. Kelderrin puts the children to sleep and manages to trick the sahaguin guards to move away from the children. The arcane trickster gnome casts a wall of force to keep out the sahaguin guards. Rolann uses his magical scepter to teleport everyone back to Waterdeep.
Long Synopsis
In the darkness of the Kruthik burrow, the adventurers venture deeper into the network of cavernous tunnels. From behind, a large insect-like monster sprays acid at Kelderrin and Rasutar. Rolann charges forward to hold a line against the creatures. Jax notices a sound behind them, and warns the gnomes. Then the rogue draws his rapier and leaps forward to aid Rolann. Kelderrin discovers that there are two Githyanki lurking in the darkness. Quickly, Kelderrin returns to the party and summons an invisible *wall of force* to barricade the party’s rear. One of the Githyanki attempts a magical attack, but is rebuffed by the wall of force. Rolann slays one of the monsters while the rest of the party finish off the last creature.
The party decides to attack the pair of Githyanki in the tunnel. Jax and Kelderrin take a side tunnel to outflank one of the Githyanki. Jax shoots an arrow at the Githyanki and draws its attention. Kelderrin casts a *hold monster* on the Githyanki and Jax finishes it off. Rolann steps forward to use his *thorn whip* against the other Githyanki. Then the remaining Githyanki vanishes.
Jax tracks the Githyanki trail back to a waterhole. Kelderrin casts *water breathing* and the party dives into the water. They swim past a strange ruin and then go up to the surface to find a sea elf. When talking with the sea elf, she reveals that a group of outsiders, including several children, were brought into the area and met up with a band of sahaguin. A female tiefling came down to talk with them, and the sahaguin took the children away. The sea elf believes that the sahaguin hideout may be in the underwater ruins.
The party dives back into the water and swims towards the ruins. As they near the ruins, they evade ghosts and patrolling sahaguin warriors. They see a large temple and enter from the side. They pass through an invisible membrane into a large pocket of air. Inside, they find a sahaguin preparing a meal. Jax talks with the sahaguin. The rogue learns that the sahaguin serve Grazz’t and are guarding his children. Believing that a parley cannot work, Jax quietly kills the sahaguin.
Kelderrin proposes to disguise himself as one of the children and investigate the other room. He casts *disguise self* and takes on the image of the young girl he saw in his scrying attempts. The trickster gnome walks into the other room. Rasutar casts *invisibility* and follows. Inside the room, Grazz’t’s six children are guarded by five sahaguin. Kelderrin casts a *sleep* spell to put the children into a slumber, then follows up with a *suggestion” spell that causes the sahaguin leader to take a pair of guards with him outside. Rasutar helps Kelderrin make inquiries of the remaining sahaguin in an attempt to learn more about the tiefling and Grazz’t’s connection to the sahaguin. Eventually, the remaining sahaguin are close enough by the doorway that Kelderrin casts a *wall of force* to block them. After an aborted attempt to leave through the side door, Rolann offers to teleport everyone back to Waterdeep. They return to the summoning circle in the basement of Trollskull Manor.
The party considers how to deal with the children in their care and whether the time is right to reclaim their home.