Party: Ilidan, Jax, Rolann, Rasutar
XP: 1000
Dragonward Heist

Short Synopsis

The adventurers turn the children of Grazz’t into the custody of Jalester Silvermane at Waterdeep Castle. Silvermane asks the party’s help in recovering several stolen Dragonwards that are crucial to protect the city of Waterdeep against dragons. These items include a staff, dagger and shield. Rumor suggests that the Xanathar Guild has stolen one or more of these items and is planning to sell one of them at an underground auction.

Rasutar pretends to be a wealthy svirfnelin and manages to get an invitation to the auction. The base buy-in is 10,000 GP, and Jax goes to his connections to get 50,000 GP. Rasutar and Rolann deposit their 10,000 GP while Arthas, Jax and Kelderrin lurk in the shadows.

Long Synopsis

The adventurers decide that it would be best to find a place to keep the children of Grazz’t secure. Using his connections, Jax arranges a meeting with the Lord’s Alliance. Jax, Kelderrin and Rasutar travel with the children to Waterdeep Castle. Jalester Silvermane greets the group. Kelderrin and Rasutar seek assurances from Silvermane that the Lord’s Alliance will not arbitrarily kill the children to solve the issue of Grazz’t. Silvermane tells them that if they want to save the lives of the children, it would be best if the adventurers did not rely on the Lord’s Alliance for a solution. After a discussion, they agree to leave the children in the custody of the Lord’s Alliance.

Silvermane also requests the party’s assistance to help recover three stolen Dragonward artifacts that are critical to the function of Waterdeep’s ward against dragons. A staff, dagger and shield were stolen. Rumors has it that Xanathar’s Guild has one or more of these Dragonwards and plans on selling one of them at an underground auction in Skullport. Apparently, many bidders have come for the auction, including powerful mages and Dragonborn cultists of the Dragon sect. Silvermane suggests that they try to acquire the artifact by theft before the auction, buy the item at the auction or take it from the ultimate buyer of the artifact.

Jax uses his connections to do some research about the auction. His contacts point out that high end auctions typically occur at an old temple in Skullport. The Xanathar Guild often take out “magical insurance” to protect their high-end auctions. Jax’s connections also believe that the auction will most likely to be run by a dwarf named Ironeye. Apparently, Ironeye hangs out at the Laughing Demon Inn.

Rasutar disguises himself as a wealthy svirfneblin noble who has arrived at Waterdeep to procure magical items. The fur-clad, jewel-bedecked and cane carrying Rasutar, with Rolann posing as his bodyguard, arrives at the Laughing Demon Inn and buys everyone a round. The bartender directs Rasutar to talk with the dwarf Ironeye. Using *detect thoughts*, Rasutar leans that Ironeye is worried about the auction and hopes that he doesn’t have to call on the “magical insurance”. After gaining Ironeye’s confidence, the dwarf tells Rasutar to stop at the Bat’s Roost Tavern in Skullport if he wants to make a deposit of good faith to participate in the auction. The sum of such a deposit is 10,000 GP. Rasutar thanks Ironeye and heads off to Cliff Watch, one of the high-end hotels in Waterdeep.
Jax goes back to the Lord’s Alliance and requests money to help the party bid for the artifact. The Lord’s Alliance gives them 50,000 GP worth of currency: 30,000 in gems, 10,000 in platinum and 10,000 in gold.

Upon arriving at the Bat’s Roost, Rasutar and his “bodyguard” Rolann deposit 10,000 gp worth of gems with a bugbear. They find out that the auction will be happening at an old temple that is located nearby. The actual auction will occur in about six hours at 6 pm. The bugbear points out a place for Rasutar to eat while he is waiting. In the meantime, Arthas, Jax and Kelderrin are lurking in the nearby shadows.