Party: Ilidan, Jax, Rolann, Rasutar, Killean
XP: 5500
Company Business

Short Synopsis

The adventurers befriend a lone drow named Killean.

Jax has a plan to take out or deter some of the other bidders. He uses his skills to find the location of the Dragon Cultists. After Rasutar starts a fight with the cultists, the party attacks them from all directions. Rather than concede defeat, the cultists choose to destroy themselves in a fiery explosion. Afterwards, the party track down the Yuan-Ti, but are unable to dissuade them participating in the auction.

The party returns to the temple and make plans for their heist of the Dragonward relics.

Long Synopsis

The company of adventurers make plans to acquire the Dragonward relics at the auction in the temple. During their preliminary due diligence, Arthas notices a lone drow investigating the temple. The lone drow introduces himself as Killean, a products acquisition specialist. Killean mentions that he has seen other groups interested in the bidding, including Dragon Cultists, Yuan-ti, Waterdeep lordlings and a lich. After interviewing Killean, they welcome him as an associate.

Jax uses his business connections to find out where the prospective competition is located so that they can possibly eliminate the competition.

Rasutar and Rolann go to a small tavern where the Dragon Cultists have gathered. The svirfneblin cleric attempts to network with the Dragon Cultists, but the cultists are uninterested. Arthas and Killian enter the tavern to provide technical support. Rasutar’s networking attempt results in the Dragonborn cultist violently rejecting the offer. The party attempts a hostile takeover of the cultists. Arthas, Jax and Killian use a combination of arrows and blades while Rolann pounds with his fists. Kelderrin uses his magic and blade while Rasutar uses his powers. Instead of allowing the hostile takeover, the Dragon Cultists decide to blow themselves up and set the building on fire. Rolann teleports the group out.

The company’s next venture is a negotiation with some Yuan-ti in another tavern. While waiting, Killian notices Arthas’ dagger and they start talking shop. Jax and Kelderrin investigate the nearby area. Meanwhile, Rasutar and Rolann go inside to talk with the Yuan-ti. Rasutar offers to buyout their bid, but the Yuan-ti’s price is outside of the company’s budget.

As the time to the auction draws near, the company holds a strategy meeting and come up with a plan. Rasutar will enter the temple with Kelderrin and Rolann as his companions. The remaining rogues will station themselves outside. Jax will be to the southeast, Killian to the south and Arthas to the southwest. The company prepares for the upcoming bidding war.