Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Belomash, Raith, Zoltan
XP: 5500

“Returnin’ to Mirabar, meself, Hyacinth and Torinn requested to be speakin’ to the Council of Sparklin’ Stones about the Lodestone mine and the shadow dragon that be takin’ up residence there. Some of the council be questionin’ the value of returnin’ to the mine and pickin’ a fight with the beast, while others be more supportive.

The dwarf Kragtoe in particular be very vocal about not disturbin’ things, makin’ odd arguments about our cleanin’ out the fire giants and others on top of our desire to finish the job. On the council, she and another, Etrid Brightarmor, be the most vocal against our plans. Kragtoe be nearly gettin’ a fist in her nose for her comments ‘bout the mine and our “recklessness”.

Before leavin’, I told the council if they don’t be willin’ to protect what be ours, Moradin be havin’ something to say to ‘em in the next life.

I then went back to me order to pray with them and seek guidance.

From me understandin’, the others magicked themselves to Silverymoon to do some readin’ up on silver dragons and the Shadowfell. Also got some learnin’ on the type of gate we be seein’ there in the mine and shadow dragons’ habits. The runes we be seein’ there are gnomish, and death-magic in nature. Raith got a bit more information about the godspeaker we tussled with as well.

When they magicked themselves back, we agreed that the dragon be our next target, and made our way back to Lodestone.

The silence of Dumathoin surround us and guide us! The dragon be makin’ the mines a part of the Shadowfell! We be attacked by bowmen and magic, and powerful undead abominations be stalkin’ the grounds, protectin’ the dragon’s lair. A three-skulled, staff wielding creature be controlling’ the lesser undead, and our fighters aimed their attacks at him. A bodak also be in the fray, but soon enough be returned to its cursed death-silence.

A large shadow be appearin’ then, a vision of gloom and death before us.

Here be the shadow dragon.

Dumathoin, watch over your faithful servant and me allies this day.
Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain, aid us in destroyin’ this thief and defiler.
Silent Keeper, raise up yer hammer that never cools against this infection.
Mountain Shield, keep us in yer eternal gaze as we crush this foe.”

/Krum crushes a ruby gemstone in his fist to close his prayer