Party: Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar
XP: 5437
Eye Can’t Believe that the Beholders are Eye Rate

Short Synopsis

The adventurers return to the lich’s tower and investigate further. They find a room with four different doorways. The party elects to open the door to the east and enters a room with dark mist.

Inside, they encounter wights, undead beholders and a death tyrant. After a grueling up-and-down battle, the adventurers prevail over their enemies.

Long Synopsis

Despite having defeated the lich, the adventurers are grimly aware that the lich could restore itself through its magic ph-eye-lactery. After a good n-eye-t’s rest, they teleport back to the lich’s tower. They make their way down a spiraling stairway to find a strange room with four doors.

The northern archway has a door made with exotic metals showing images of a horrif-eye-ng wizard destroying his enemies. There is a strange locking mechanism for three conical shaped “keys”.

Rasutar investigates the other doors. The eastern archway is made of black marble and smells like brimstone and hellf-eye-re. To the south, the southern archway is made of granite and smells of l-eye-tning. The western archway appears to be made of bleached white bones. Kelderrin casts *detect magic* and eye-dentifies conjuration magic infused into the eastern, southern and western archways. The door to the north glows intensely with magic.

The party chooses to open the door in the western archway. Once they walk through the dark mists, they come to a room with large vertical shafts running through the floor and ceiling. Rolann explores the shafts with his boots of fl-eye-ing while Jax does his own inspection with his boots of spider climbing.

Rolann’s exploration takes him to the bottom of one of the shafts where he encounters an undead beholder. Filled with rage and eye-r, he engages the monster one-on-one. He dodges eye-blasts and retaliates with a series of deft sword strikes.

Meanwhile in the main room, the other adventurers see a terrif-eye-ng sight. Undead wights shamble forward while an undead beholder and an eye-rate death tyrant levitate down and up from the shafts. Rasutar raises his holy symbol and destroys several of the wights. Arthas and Jax engage in a deadly ballet with the remaining wights. The pair weave, dodge and strike down the wights one-by-one. Kelderrin casts *mirror image* and uses firebolts to attack the enemy.

Kelderrin *misty step* onto a beholder. While desperately clinging onto the beholder, the wild-eyed Kelderrin polymorphs it into a tiny turtle. While in mid-air, Kelderrin manages to cast *featherfall* and catch the tiny turtle-beholder before it falls.

After defeating the undead beholder on his own, Rolann fl-eyes back to the others to help. Rolann chases the death tyrant up into one of the shafts. He takes blast after blast while Jax scores a bulls-eye on the death tyrant. The party eventually takes down the death tyrant and the deals with the turtle-beholder. During the fight, Rolann notices that the death tyrant possessed a peculiar tooth that seems to be the same s-eye-ze as the hole for the locking mechanism on the north door. He takes up the tooth-key and the party must dec-eye-de what to do next.