Party: Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar
XP: 3800
Hot Stuff

Short Synopsis

The adventurers enter the eastern archway and arrive in a room filled with lava and heat. They fight a Balor demon and its mephit servants. On the verge of being slain, the Balor demon retreats into the lava and surrenders the horn-shaped key.
After resting, the party enters the southern archway. There they encounter a dracolich and its shadowy servants.

Long Synopsis

After a few moments of deliberation, the party chooses to walk through the eastern archway of black marble to find some “Hot Stuff”. They find themselves in a rocky cavern with a river of magma.

Arthas and Jax move across a “Bridge Over Troubled Water” that stretches over the fiery river. Several mephits rise from the magma and launch superheated blasts at the pair. The rogues nimbly dodge the attack. Rasutar steps closer to the river of magma and several fiery mephitis surround him.

From the molten river, a hulking Balor emerges dripping with magma. The horn upon his head resembles the sharp tooth-key from the Death Tyrant. The Balor demon uses its whip on Rolann and stabs him. At that point, the party knew that it was “War”. Kelderrin steps in and casts *thunder step* to teleport Rasutar and himself away while sending waves of thunder to decimate the surrounding mephitis. Jax and Arthas charge towards the Balor demon. Rolann casts *misty step* to escape his predicament.

The Balor demon turns its attention towards Jax. It uses its whip to lash Jax into the searing lava. Jax prays that “I Will Survive.” Kelderrin helps Jax in “Stayin’ Alive” by casting *levitate* to elevate him from the molten river. Between a greater healing potion and Rasutar’s *heal* spell, Jax is nearly fully revitalized. Unfortunately, the Balor whips out at Jax again and shouts out in Abyssal: “You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!”

In response, Arthas leaps onto the Balor’s back and the party attacks. “They stab it with their steely knives, But they just can’t kill the beast.” Kelderrin guides Jax back to the ground. Rolann casts *lightning bolt” while the rest of the party attacks it with arrows, magic and bladed steel. Eventually, the Balor demon realizes that it is on the verge of defat. It sinks back into the lava and Arthas roll off. As a goodwill gesture by the demon to “Let it Be”, a mephit comes out of the magma to deliver the horn-key. Arthas picks up the horn-key and the party departs the room.

The heroes rest and then go into the granite room. Arthas sneaks forward while Kelderrin hides behind a wall. Jax and Rolann and Rasutar step forward. They see a dark figure on the dais. It grows larger and transforms into a blue dracolich. The dracolich swoops down and breathes lightning on Jax, Rolann and Rasutar. Rolann casts haste and flies up to meet the dragon. In addition to using its breath weapon, the dracolich uses its wings, fangs and claws to attack the party to show them that it will get them “One Way or Another.” Meanwhile, Kelderrin hears a noise in the corner and finds a shadow creature. The gnome is “Born to Run” and sprints away for cover. The dracolich terrifies Rolann and Jax. Jax manages to shoot an arrow at the dracolich. Rolann turns towards the dracolich and is ready for his turn to attack…