Party: Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar
XP: 12750
Show Time!

Short Synopsis

The party manages to slay the dracolich. In the aftermath of the battle, they recover a metallic key-shaped tooth and a giant gemstone shaped like a dragon’s eye. With the metallic keys from the death tyrant, Balor demon and the dracolich, the party opens up the last door made with exotic metals. There is a long hallway with three doors on the sides and a large door at the far end. In the first door, they find a library with magical properties. The second door reveals four mummies. The third door is a laboratory with potions.

When they open the door at the far end of the hallway, they see a large room with three other doors. Upon opening the first door, they find a spell book and a staff. An armored figure with a crystal skull lurks behind the second door. After Killean attacks it, the figure disappears. Behind the third door is the lich’s large treasure trove.

Long Synopsis

Now, entering the dungeon are today’s contestants: Arthas, a reformed drow rogue; Kelderrin, a curious gnome wizard/rogue; Killean, an intrepid drow rogue; Rasutar, a mysterious deep gnome cleric; and Rolann, an “armed” and dangerous artificer/paladin.

In the last show, our contestants were confronting a “Win, Lose or Draw” situation with a dracolich. Rolann’s mighty “whammies”, with assistance from the others, defeats the dracolich. For their prize, they retrieve one metallic key-shaped tooth and a large gemstone shaped like a dragon’s eye. When touched, the gemstone emits a powerful necrotic energy. They place the mysterious prize in a bag and move onto the next round.

The question before our contestants: “Press Your Luck?” Certainly! Our contestants take the three keys and open the exotic door in hopes of greater prizes.

The strange door reveals a long hallway with three doors along the sides and another set of double doors at the far end.

Behind Door Number 1 is a fully furnished wizard’s library that is a big magical puzzle. It requires Kelderrin to guess the right magic word and he wishes that he could buy a vowel.

Meanwhile, the other contestants gather behind Door Number 2. Behind this door are four sarcophagi. Our other gnome contestant, Rasutar, examines to the room for clues. What is the term for something treated with embalming fluids and is placed inside a sarcophagus? The answer: What is a mummy? Correct, more specifically, one mummy lord and three mummies. Rasutar “turns” two of the mummies into dust as Arthas decides to “Come on Down” to help. Eventually, the party dispatches the remaining mummies.

Behind Door Number 3 is a wizard’s laboratory with many potions. Can we say that the “Price is Right”? for these potions? Absolutely, because these are free after a five-finger discount!

Our contestants open the doors at the end of the hallway to enter the final stage of the contest. Once more, they are confronted with three doors. They must decide how to approach opening doors, and “survey says” that they should go left, right and the center.

The left door contains a fabulous set of a staff and spell book. Killean opens the right door to reveal an armored man holding a crystal skull. The drow shoots an arrow at the skull and manages to nick it. Angrily, the armored man vanishes with the crystal skull. Finally, they open up the center door to reveal the grand prize. A lich’s treasure trove, including a defender sword, ring of elemental command, three potions of superior healing, a potion of invulnerability, gold, platinum, a cloak of owlbear hide and many other treasures!