Short Synopsis
The party rescues the Duchess Daggerford and the Lady Cromm from the dungeons. They take them to the palace to reveal them to the nobles and guards. After a brief fight, the Duchess Daggerford is restored to her seat of power.
Long Synopsis
The elf assassin Sinondel tells the party that the Lady Wynn Cromm is on the first floor of the palace below them. In addition, Sinondel also mentions that the Duchess Daggerford is imprisoned in the dungeons below and that it is accessible by the cistern system.
Illidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Killean and Rasutar elect to rescue the duchess before any ill can befall her. They sneak out from the top floor and drop into the cistern. There is a door to the west and a hallway that leads back to the palace.
Jax opens the door to the west and sees three guards. He walks inside to persuade the guards that the Duchess Daggerford is supposed to have a letter for him and the guards unlock the door to show her to him. When Kelderrin appears dressed in the palace livery, he tries to persuade the guards that the Duchess is to be brought to the Lady Cromm.
Suspicious, the guards want to check with their superiors. Jax knifes one of the guards and Kelderrin brings down another one. Rasutar and Killean finish off the last remaining guard. They free the Duchess Daggerford. Kelderrin and Rasutar investigate the rest of the prison and find a beautiful Wynn Cromm incarcerated behind a mage-locked cell. The Lady Wynn Cromm claims that she had been attacked b tieflings and thrown in prison by the “Duchess Daggerford”. Realizing that this might be the real Lady Wynn Cromm and that the other one might be an imposter, Kelderrin casts *dispel magic* to free her. The party manages to explain to the Duchess Daggerford and the Lady Cromm that they have both been deceived and that their body doubles are in control.
The party goes up to the first floor of the palace to announce the liberation of the Duchess Daggerford and the Lady Wynn Cromm. Before they enter, Illidan shoots a poisoned crossbow that knocks out the “Lady Wynn Cromm” that appears to be in charge. Jax steps forth and gives a stirring speech about liberation and persuades the nobles and guards present that the real Lady Daggerford and Wynn Cromm have just been released. The “Lady Wynn Cromm” in charge is trapped by Kelderrin’s *wall of force*.
A tiefling attacks Jax, but Illidan and Jax slay it. Illidan picks its pocket and suddenly feels very strange. Killean notices his odd behavior and asks Kelderrin to take a look. Kelderrin dismisses his *wall of force* in order to investigate Illidan’s malady. Once released, the guards surge forward and hold the “Lady Wynn Cromm” down. Kelderrin’s *detect magic* reveals that Silverton coins are enchanted with necromancy. The party advises the Duchess Daggerford to recover such enchanted coins from the population. One of the guards, who had been enchanted, slays the “Lady Wynn Cromm”. After investigating her body, Kelderrin is suspicious, but only relays this to the party.
Upon meeting the gnome Dazzledust, they learn more about the cursed Silverton coins which seem to becoming from the mines. The party must decide what to do next.