Party: Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar, Killean
XP: 3.950
Black Bloods in Da Hood

Short Synopsis

Jax, Kelderrin, Killian, Rolann and Rasutar head to the Moonshae Isles. The meet with King Derid Kendrick at the capital of Caer Corwell. He tells them that the Island of Moray has problems with dragons, and directs them to Caer Moray.
At Caer Moray, they are directed toward the village of Dynnegall. They defend the village against an adult black dragon and its lizard-folk minions.

Long Synopsis

Da crew of Jax, Kelderrin, Killian, Rolann and Rasutar head back to der ‘hood at Waterdeep. Kelderrin meets with his woman, Tess Aderbrandt, and gets his homies a free ride to da Moonshae as part of a trade delegation.
They head to Caer Cornwell and meet da Mackdaddy King Derid Kendrick. He tells ‘em dat da Island of Moray has a problem wit’ a black dragon and sum lizardfolk gang known as da Black Bloods. Mackdaddy Kendrick tells ‘em dat the peeps at Moray are all beastie boys. Da crew offers ta do some wetwork for some magic shanks, a crib keep and sum damn trade respect for da Aderbrandts. Da Mackdaddy Kendrick agrees and sends dem on der way by a magical teleportation circle to Caer Moray.

When da crew arrives at Caer Moray, dey meet da thug Amon Blackwave. Amon sez dat the Black Bloods be attacking Dynnengall and gives da boyz da green light to go get’em. So da crew heads on down to defend da village. Dey hear dat the Black Bloods have been tryin’ to sneak in, so da crew sets up an ambush for da lizardfolk.

At night, a black dragon and sum lizardfolk warlocks be tryin’ to start a turf war at Dynnengall. Our boys ain’t havin’ none of dat. “Killer” Killean and “Rasta” Rasutar got lit when da dragon dropped some acid. “Rollin’” Rolann knuckles up and hollas at da dragon. Da dragon gets savage wit’ Rolann. “Krazy” Kelderrin takes out a wand and unloads a full clip of 9-“mm”s into da dragon. “Big J” Jax brings da heat on da warlocks. Rasutar heals up his boy Killean. Killean and Jax takeout sum of da warlocks.

Rolann was just ballin’ against da dragon, and in fact, kept punchin’ him in da balls. Kelderrin jumped da dragon and started in wit’ da shanks. Jax hits da dragon up from afar. Finally, Rolann had ‘nuff of ‘dis, and he smited da dragon’s nuts and took out da dragon. Killean went pop-pop-pop on da last warlock. Kelderrin saved da’ warlock to question him.

Da boyz interrogated the warlock. Rolann’s screwface scared da warlock, so da warlock spilled da beans. Da boss Vorthax is a black dragon dat united the smaller gangs under him. He be wantin’ to summon da OG Kazgaroth. Da fiend Kazgaroth has sum beef with da Earthmother. Ta summon da OG Kazgaroth, dey need to waste da Moonwells. Dat means droppin’ bodies in it and get it zooted with bad magic. Dat warlock wasn’t in the know ‘bout Vorthax’s crib, but he sez dat da boss dragon probably be hittin’ up Bray.

Rolann and Killean go wild on da dragon carcass and get da crew sum dragon jerky, blood, teeth, bones, horn, breath pouch, scales and wingz. Da homies hit up Caer Moray to give’em a holla, then dey ride down to da Bray. Peace out!

Dragon Harvest
Flesh: Dragon jerky (8 days) 100 gold
Blood: 7 vials of adult dragon blood (250 gold/each)
Teeth: 10 teeth (50 gp/each)
Bone: 6 (750 gp/each)
Horn: 1300 gp
Breath pouch (2 glands): 3,000 gp total
Scales: got scales can be used by armorer
Wings: 6500 gp/each