Illidan, Kelderrin, Killean, Rasutar, Rolann
Short Synopsis
The adventurers reach Bray to find a large number of lycanthropes polluting the Moonwell. They defeat the lycanthropes. After the battle, a blue bird tells them that the druid Ellory asks to meet them in Fairview.
At Fairview, the druid introduces them to a lizardfolk tribe that opposes the Black Bloods. The lizardfolk chieftain leads them to a Black Blood camp where the black dragon Vorthax has been seen.
Long Synopsis
Illidan, Kelderrin, Killean, Rasutar and Rolann arrive at the Moonwell near Bray “were” they see werebears, werewolves and wereboars. What “were” those werebeasts up to? They “were” polluting the Moonwell with corpses. Why? They wanted to summon Kazgaroth, an incarnation of a god who opposes the Earthmother.
Kelderrin decides “were” to throw his fireball – into the middle of several werebeasts. Many wonder why Rasutar steps forward into the fray. Rolann casts a *fire shield* and steps forward as well – that’s “were” the werebeasts surround and attack him. What happens next is that Jax and Illidan attack two other werebeasts. Kelderrin continues to toss another fireball at “were” the werebeasts “were”. Why wouldn’t they go down?
Illidan rushes forward to attack a werebeast. What surprises him even more is that a vampire pops up and tries to take a bite out of him. Illidan turns around and uses his dagger to suck a little life from the vampire. Killean takes steady aim and shoots the vampire. The vampire runs away.
The action is “were” Rolann is at, as he is surrounded by numerous werebeasts. He punches at whatever vulnerable body parts he can find.
Kelderrin casts a *cone of cold* at “were” some of the werebeasts “were”. A few go down. Rolann turns to attack one of the wereboars, but Rolann suddenly vanishes. “Were” did he go? Rasutar wonders what he should do next, so he casts a spiritual weapon to attack a wereboars. The battered wereboars run away and Rolann pops back into existence. Jax, Illidan and Killean team up to finish off the remaining werebears.
After the battle, Killean and Jax tries to find “were” the vampire disappeared to. They do not find it, but they meet up with a talking bluebird that tells what they should do and “were” to go – head to Fairview to parley with a friendly tribe of lizardfolk.
At Fairview, they meet the druid Ellory who tells them “were” to find the friendly lizardfolk chieftain. The lizardfolk chieftain offers to show the adventurers “were” Vorthax was last scene – a swampy area near “were” a Black Blood encampment is located. Before reaching the camp, Kelderrin casts *water breathing* on the party. The party approaches the camp from the east and sees “were” Vorthax reputedly lives.
“Were” to find Vorthax?