Party: Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Rasutar, Killean
XP: 12114
Serving Just Des(s)erts

Short Synopsis

The party confronts Vorthax, an ancient black dragon. During the battle, they notice strange metal bands on Vorthax’s horns that appear to be connected to Bhaal. After the horn with the rings are severed from Vorthax, the party manages to slay the ancient dragon.

Long Synopsis

The adventurers seek to deliver “just desserts” to the ancient black dragon Vorthax. A friendly lizardfolk chieftain directs the party to a Black Blood village where Vorthax is known to reside. Illidan sneaks up to a Black Blood lizardfolk and knocks him out. Then, Illidan “trusses” it up and brings it back to the others.
Rollan “grills” the Black Blood and finds out that this entire area is the dragon’s lair, and that the bullywugs would know more. The party circles around towards the bullywugs. Jax and Kelderrin attempt to knock out the bullywugs for interrogation, but manage to kill one while the other escapes with its fast “frog legs”.

Then, a “wet-aged” ancient black dragon erupts from the marshy waters. Killean notices a pair of rings with strange markings on Vorthax’s horns. The dragon sees Jax as a “tasty morsel” and relentlessly tries to “carve” him up. Rolann makes a vow of enmity against the dragon and flies over to help Jax. Rasutar summons a “spiritual hammer” to tenderize the dragon. Killean fires an arrow at the metal rings on Vorthax’s horn and a ghostly apparition of a skull appears overhead. A dark storm of necrotic energy and acid surrounds the area around Vorthax.
Illidan, Jax and Rolann are “braised” in the necrotic vortex. Using its teeth, claws and tail, Vorthax continues to “chop” and “whip” Jax. Jax is stunned by the terrifying presence of Bhaal’s spirit. Rasutar comes to the rescue with a “sweet” *heal* spell that restores much of Jax’s health. The adventurers in the swirling vortex stumble away.

Kelderrin throws a *fireball* at the black dragon and a Black Blood that produces “searing” heat. Outraged, Vorthax flies over to attack the “pint-sized” gnome. The ancient dragon tries to “dice* Kelderrin.

Meanwhile, the party’s “simmering” anger “boils” over and they attack Vorthax. Kelderrin collapses to the ground and Vorthax turns his attention to the others. The invaluable Rasutar saves Kelderrin’s “goose from being cooked”, and Kelderrin staggers back to health. Illidan rides atop the dragon’s head and “chops” off the mysterious bands on Vorthax’s horns. When the rings drop away, Vorthax looks visibly confused and weaker. After a few more attacks, Killean “puts the finishing touch” on Vorthax. The ancient black dragon collapses and receives its “just desserts”. Killean and Rolann now prepare to “carve up” Vorthax like a holiday turkey and prepare some “Rocky Mountain oysters”.