Party: Shadow, Prince Eldon, Oake, Shadowspawn, talon, Puck
XP: 1000

The city of Phlan was troubled by the mysterious disappearance of villagers from a settlement to the north on the border of the forest. Concerned for their people, the city elders urged a group of companions to investigate. Upon arriving at the settlement, the companions discovered that the missing villagers had entered the forbidden woods, driven by an inexplicable compulsion.

Delving into the heart of the forest, the companions encountered a reclusive elven community. The elves, unaware of the intruders, guided the companions towards a murky swamp, warning them of the malevolent hag known as Jenny Greenteeth. Her lair lay hidden deep within the twisted roots and shadows.

Navigating the treacherous terrain, the companions finally confronted Jenny Greenteeth. The hag, surrounded by an aura of ancient magic, eyed them with suspicion. After a tense negotiation, she revealed that the villagers had trespassed into her territory, disrupting the delicate balance she maintained with the forest.

Jenny Greenteeth, despite her ominous appearance, offered a deal. In exchange for the villagers’ release, the companions had to ensure that the people never set foot in the woods again. Reluctantly, the companions agreed, understanding that the hag’s motives, though enigmatic, were tied to the preservation of the mystical ecosystem. As they left the swamp, they pondered the delicate equilibrium between civilization and the enchanting realms of the wild, realizing that some boundaries were best left unbroken.