Party: Shadow, Prince Eldon, Oake, Shadowspawn, talon, Puck
XP: 1000

Deep within the dimly lit corridors of a temple dedicated to the dragon god Tiamat, the companions from Parnest stumbled upon a curious sight: a cultist, draped in dark robes, surrounded by kobolds. The air was tense, the scent of brimstone hanging heavily.

With deft skill, the companions quickly felled several kobolds, their small reptilian bodies slumping to the ground. They cornered the cultist, his eyes widening with a couple of Talon’s arrows stuck in his shoulder. “Wait!” he cried, desperation evident in his voice, “I surrender!”

They bound the cultist’s wounds while Shadowspawn interrogated him. The cultist admitted they were from the Cult of the Dragon, searching for a legendary artifact: a large dragon’s scale imbued with untold power. But, it was protected by a series of deadly traps they hadn’t been able to overcome.

The companions agreed to work with the cultist and his kobolds to recover the artifact.

With Eldon the halfling paladin leading the way, they navigated the temple’s treacherous traps. More than once, a kobold met its end, either impaled by spears or swallowed by pits. Monstrous creatures lurked in the shadows, requiring both steel and spell to defeat.

After what felt like hours, they finally stood before the artifact. The scale shimmered, its iridescent beauty reflecting myriad colors. As Oake reached for it, the cultist interjected, “Let us go with the scale, and we promise no harm will come to you. You will be rewarded handsomely for your service to the Cult of the Dragon, I assure you. Simply return with me to Baldur’s Gate for your reward.”

Talon retorted, “We’ll let you go, but the scale stays with us, and we sure as hell ain’t going all the way to Baldur’s Gate.”

The cultist hesitated. “There’s another offer I could make, but I’ll need to return to Baldur’s Gate and consult the elders first.”
The companions agreed. They recovered the books stolen from the library in Phlan. The cultist and the remaining kobolds were set free, to return to Baldur’s Gate, but Kedi the tabaxi bard went with them, hoping to convince them of the error of their ways.

“The next time we see Kedi he’ll be wearing dragon robes.” Talon remarked. They returned the books and received a modest reward for their bravery and skill