We continued on toward Castle Naerytar, our road more a dirt path that appeared on the verge of being swallowed up by the swampland it took us through. I fear the mud may never come out of my tunic and leggings, but as I am a warden of the forest I keep these concerns to myself, as the endless ridicule Krum would heave my way would be unbearable. We cannot all be so rugged and accustomed to hardship as that noble dwarf. If only I could fly with Torinn on the back of his wondrous steed, the wind flowing through my hair and tickling my ears. At the very least, I would be far from the stench of the half-orc, who probably has not bathed…ever. Alas, it is not to be…
After a few hours of travel we came across a group of humans; a few carts with what looked to be supplies meant to build a more serviceable road sat nearby along with a number of bullywog corpses. The gnome, Zoltan, talked with them as I tried very much not to appear too haughty, my elven heritage so often superseding my human half. Zoltan learned that the group had in fact been hired to build a road from the castle back to the High Road, by the lady of Castle Naerytar, Shadrah. Progress is slow because of the near constant attacks by the horrid denizens of the swamp.
The gnome then clumsily asked about the ancient black dragon, Ebondeath, and rumors of its return. The wyrm’s mention stirs something in my loins, something I try to quell immediately. That cursed, beautiful sword again. The mere mention of a dragon is enough for the humans to ask for an escort back to the tower, and Torinn agrees as he is on his griffon and will more easily return to us.
Among the workers we find a woman suffering from a mysterious ailment, but on inspection it is much like the sickness the two young women back at Holk House exhibited. She shared the same sort of lacerations upon her neck as they. Krum and Torinn both attempt to aid the woman with magical healing, Krum going so far as to remove a curse that might be at the root of the sickness. Her condition seems to improve.
While Torinn accompanies the humans to the tower, we decide to rest in hopes of arriving at Naerytar prepared for the horrors we suspect we’ll find there. An uneventful night, though between the bleats that mark Hyacinth’s sleep and the dwarf’s thunderous snoring, it’s a wonder I could even enter my reverie.
The next day we press on, Torinn having made haste in returning. The newly fashioned road is well-made by any standards and eases our travel.
But then we encounter foes that amaze even me.
A bird screams in the distance, and swarms of venomous adders slither out of the swamp. Belomash, spotting them first, advances toward the mass of writhing reptiles. Suspecting a trap, I dart off into the swampland, my light elvish steps carrying me across the wetland easily. There I encounter what can only be described as a gargantuan mantis, which sets upon me immediately. The others, preoccupied by the snakes, cannot help me, and I find myself grappled within its long, angled foreward appendages. I call out for Krum to come to my aid, but he cannot hear me over the sounds of battle there on the road.
Raithean of the fey realm helps the half-orc and Zoltan make short work of the serpents, but they were the least of our foes. From the other side of the road, a shrieking roar draws Hyacinth and the dragonborn’s attention: a great skeletal monster crashes out of the swampland cottonwood, willow and oak, even larger than the mantis which held me in its grasp. The thing grabs at the satyr and holds her tight until she speaks some words of magic, leading her to transform herself into a giant ape. The lizard skeleton cannot hold on and the fight between the two titans commences.
Perhaps inspired by Hyacinth’s ability to free herself, I manage to twist free from the mantis’ hold and run toward my dwarven friend, knowing he will protect me. The mantis pursues me. Krum’s attacks are focused on the skeletal lizard, which Raithan and Zoltan both call a “T-Rex”, and Torinn also joins in. Hyancinth, as a giant ape, delivers powerful blows to the beast, and Zoltan the abjurer quickly finishes the thing off. Meanwhle, Raith attempts to blast the mantis with his lightning, but just misses with the bolt.
Belomash roars out a powerful battle cry, inspiring us all to victory. Torinn slays the mantis and we, in the quiet of the battle’s aftermath, tend to our not-insignificant wounds.
Recognizing that these beasts were set upon us intentionally, we resolve to continue to Naerytar. Approaching the castle after several more hours’ travel, we spy three women at the gate. Hyacinth offers to speak to them, and after being told of many inane rules to be followed by guests of the castle, we are allowed inside.
There we encounter the most beautiful Shadrah, who I notice cannot stop looking my way. She is quite fetching, and perhaps I might get an opportunity to ply her with my many charms after we take on the vampire she tells us is plaguing her castle. She offers a nice reward for his head (1000 gp each) and tells us his lair is some distance to the east and beyond her ability to scry anything more than that. She also tells us he regularly visits at night, mocking her and her followers, describing the vile horrors he plans to inflict upon them. The creature is named Datou and was an elf prior to being transformed into the creature of the night we now face.
Zoltan believes our best course of action is to see if Datou shows that night and maybe get a sense of what we face as we know it cannot enter the castle. The wretch often appears above the star gazing dome that tops the castle. We investigate that area and Raith and Zoltan find many curious knobs and levers, including some hidden dials that emit divination magical energy.
Krum readies more holy water – the dwarf apparently drank his supply as we traveled.
I am glad he is here with me. Let the night, and foul beast, come!