Party: Illidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Killean, Rasutar and Rolann
Short Synopsis
On their way to the Moonwell, the party discovers a slain party of lycanthropes. They burn the bodies and see a puff of magical energy.
Upon arriving at the Moonwell, they attack the lycanthropes that were in a ritual to summon Kazgaroth. The defeat the lycanthropes. Although the party also had a plan to summon Kazgaroth, they wanted to interfere to summon a weakened Kazgaroth. Unfortunately, the lycanthropes were missing a missing reagent, a hero’s heart, that was supposed to be brought by another group of lycanthropes. The party realize that they have burned the hero’s heart. Now they wonder how to proceed.
Long Synopsis
The party believes they have a recipe to cook up a weakened version of Kazgaroth.
They need to find a Moonwell bubbling with evil and corruption located in the southwest of Horst. On their way, they find lycanthrope tracks together with mysterious boot tracks that appear and disappear. Eventually, they find the carcasses of lycanthropes that have been scorched by some sort of lightning attack. Fearing that these bodies could be used by Kazgaroth, they decide to grill the lycanthrope meat. A small “puff” of magic appears from the were-BBQ.
Upon arriving at the Moonwell, they see a large gathering of lycanthropes in front of the Moonwell and a large nearby Keep. They investigate the Keep and discover that someone may have used a summoning circle etched in blood (with Abyssal writing) to order an infernal creature to go. Although the summoning circle appears to be broken, Kelderrin adds a “liquid” ingredient to make sure that it is broken in more than one spot.
The adventurers decide to attack the group of lycanthropes. Illidan sees a lycanthrope scout dashes ahead. After being warned by Illidan, Killean chases after the scout. The scout is sliced, diced and has its life stolen by Killean. Kelderrin decides to hold an outdoor cookout and tosses a fireball at the center of the lycanthropes. Rolann charges forward to carve up some lean slices of weremeat. Jax skewers werewolves with his arrows. Illidan jumps in and out of the bushes as he cuts up the werewolves into bit-sized portions. An invisible Rasutar watches this all with bemusement. One of the werewolves with a unique looking horn blows it, but it has no effect.
The fight ends with Killean kills the werebear boss and Illidan knocks out the weretiger. They take several werebeasts prisoners and inquire about their summoning ritual. Apparently, the werebeasts were missing an ingredient, the heart of a hero, for the summoning of Kazgaroth – and that it was supposed to be brought by a werebeast group.
Remembering both the dead werebeast and the magical “puff” of smoke, the party realizes that they may have burned up the key ingredient. Since Kazgaroth will not accept inferior ingredients, they must put their heads together to find a replacement heart of a hero…