Temple of the Four Winds
Party: Brindle, Chunk, Coine, Dorian, Flynn and Urzein
Short Synopsis
Omar the relic hunter leads the adventurers to the Temple of Four Winds. There, Coine manages to negotiate their way past a tribe of kobolds.
At the next level, they find four chambers with stone objects, each representing a different element. Flynn opens the central chamber to find steam and smoke mephitis. The party defeats the mephitis and head down to the level below.
Long Synopsis
After resurrecting Grumbar, the adventurers leave him in the care of the Friar of Saint Amahl. They travel with Omar the relic hunter to the Temple of the Four Winds. Along the way, the witness an elemental rift erupts in the desert.
Upon arriving at the Temple, they find a stone door. Urzein and Chunk attempt to move it in vain. Coine’s investigations reveal that there is a mechanism involving drilled holes. With clever intuition, Dorian blows into the hole and it makes a musical note. Brindle recalls a song of Kalim and Dorian blows through the holes to the tune of that song. This opens up the door.
The adventurers explore the first floor of the temple. Coine attempts to pick several different locks and manages to spring traps (which gives him heartburn and requires a dose of Pepcid). The party stumbles into a room filled with kobolds. Coine is able to communicate with the kobolds and persuades them that there is no need to fight. The kobolds follow the Guardian of the temple named Zefrax. The leader of the group is Slipscale, the Keeper of the Winds. The kobolds allow the adventurers to pass unmolested.
They continue down below. Chunk kicks down one of the doors to the east. Inside, the party sees stone-shaped objects on an altar. Omar recognizes the runes as the symbol of Kalim (air elemental). There is also an empty alcove with shelves. As they proceed to the north, they find another similar room with stone-shaped objects, an altar and an empty alcove. This time, the runes are symbols for the earth.
Most of the party passes by a door that appears to lead to a central chamber. Flynn opens the door into the central chamber and several steam mephitis fly toward the halfling sorcerer. He manages to put several of them under a sleep spell. Chunk charges in and pulls Flynn out of danger. Urzein charges in with his blades flashing in the air. One of the smoke mephitis spews blinding ash at some of the party members. Urzein and Flynn slays a smoke mephit, and each mephit explodes into a cloud of obscuring smoke. The party takes out the remaining mephitis.
Upon exploring the rest of the underground floor, the discover two to other similar chambers to the northwest and southwest. The northwest chamber has symbols for fire and the southwest chamber as symbols for water (and the southeast has symbols for water and the northeast for earth). They move the stone objects from the altar to the alcove, but nothing appears to happen.
They descend to the second underground level and stand before an ominous doorway.