Under the Harem
Party: Brindle, Chunk, Coine, Dorian and Urzein
Short Synopsis
The party forges a form to allow them to enter the underground passages beneath the harem. They encounter and defeat a chain devil, then make friends with a fire giant.
Eventually, the party descends to the next level below and Coine can sense that a slaad-tainted stone lays somewhere ahead.
Long Synopsis
Dorian goes to the library with Coine and Urzein. Urzein and Coine distract the librarian while Dorian (after many attempts) finds authorization forms and a sample document to forge a fake form. Dorian’s skillful forgery allows them to bypass the first set of guards at the entrance of the passages under the harem.
As they explore the underground passages, they see an intimidating assortment of creatures, including a fire giant, a Dao and three gorgons. The adventurers make their way to a room with a statue of Talos that animates and demands a sacrifice. Urzein realizes that Talos is the God of rage and destruction, and destroys some items in the name of Talos. The other party members do the same, and the statue is appeased. They continue to explore.
Eventually, they find a room filled with chains and at its center is an infernal creature. The chain devil asks if the party has arrived for the interrogation, but Coine proclaims that they do not follow the Pasha. The chain devil smiles and attacks the party. It chains Dorian, but the warlock manages to *misty steps* away. Urzein uses elemental attacks but is quickly wrapped up by the creature. The party relentlessly attacks the chain devil and somehow manages to defeat it. Coine finds 75 GP, a small sapphire worth 100 GP, silver dagger +1 (with a Harper’s mark). Dorian had some parchment with notes (which states that “the Red Pasha is working against us: and mentions a shipment of corrupted gems, and that some stolen). There is also a warning issued by Yuldeez to ensure that the other prisoner will not be discovered. Another warning advises guards to stay out of the crossroads because the gorgons are not friendly.
They wander around and find the vizier in a room with two floating skulls. The party quickly closes the door and moves on.
Eventually, they return to the fire giant. Coine helps out the fire giant with food and water. The fire giant, Basso, and Coine become fast friends. Basso directs the party towards the stairs. Apparently, the material that they are forcing Basso to work with is making him sick, including strange metals and crystals.
Upon reaching the bottom floor, they find another group of guards that forbids them further passage. The party returns to back to the top to decide whether they should meet the Red Pasha…